
In Bruges

Movie Review: Weirdsville (2007)
11 years ago

Movie Review: Weirdsville (2007)

By  •  Movies

If a film contains drug addicts with a harebrained scheme, an inept Satanic Cult and a car full of re-enactment knights, chasing around after a stolen safe, it is a good bet that it is an independent comedy. Weirdsville is indeed one such film, with the characteristics of a farce in the tradition of Cheech And Chong & Jay And Silent Bob.
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Movie Review: In Bruges (2008)
11 years ago

Movie Review: In Bruges (2008)

By  •  Movies

In Bruges is an original tale of a dark, comedic love story in three acts. The love story is delightfully not an expected one. However: there’s a divide that’s hard to ignore: does knowing the punch line before the end enhance a bleak comedy, or not? It’s a tough call.
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