Whereas Hogwarts House Pride focused on Quidditch team loyalties in the Wizarding World, Back to Hogwarts puts the emphasis on House loyalty in full, including four house specific items, and a token of the wizarding postal system that begins every wizard’s Hogwarts adventure.

While all the House specific items were bewitching, my favorite item in Back to Hogwarts is the enamel Hedwig pin, which positively gleams from the pearlescent enamel filling in Hedwig’s golden squiggles. While the preceding pins are often faithful attempts to reproduce simulacra from the novels, this Hedwig shows a more playful interpretation by the artist.

Of the Gryffindor items I received this month, I don’t have a clear favorite, but the notebook was definitely the first one used, as I cracked the plastic and started scrawling right away. The Gryffindor heraldry on each page could have been fainter, but as turning off my objection to writing over it may also help turn off my internal critic, it no doubt positively affects my creative process.

Another exciting inclusion was the Hogwarts House bookbag, each not only trimmed with a patch and an adjustable strap of the House appropriate color, but having such a functional design that it cries out to be enjoyed. In terms of book capacity, it would hold about eight Sorcerer’s Stones or two Deathly Hallows, so it should suffice for use as a book bag or other boredom bag stuffed with your devices and time-slayers of choice. While it’s a little too small for a good college accessory, you should be able to cram a bunch of high school stuff in here.

This marks the first time I wouldn’t mind having a set of one of this subscription’s House specific items, as the Hogwarts House Banners are not only great examples of banners, with bright, proud colors, but they have good art value, with all the animal heads having those frozen faces you see on old-timey heraldry. If you hang these on a field or court, grab some brooms, and run around like a fool, you can at least have an inkling of what it would be like to play Quidditch for real.

As I’m likely to have bookmarks in dozens of books at any given time, a new bookmark will always get me excited, and I’m very pleased with this month’s Gryffindor bookmark.

Overall, Back to Hogwarts was an exceptional crate, as always. While it didn’t have a t-shirt this month, every item in the crate was attractive and useful. Even if you head to Station 9 3/4 now, it’s too late for Back to Hogwarts, but until January 3rd, you can order Traveling the Wizarding World..

Loot Crate sent the review copy.