

Bookworms: The Pluto Files (2009) by Neil deGrasse Tyson

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The Pluto Files

The solar system is wonderful and fascinating, encompassing nine planets and many other heavenly bodies, except that Pluto is no longer officially a planet. Why was that, and why do so many people seem to care? Neil deGrasse Tyson’s “The Pluto Files” explores the controversy surrounding Pluto in great depth from the perspective of a guy who found himself immersed in the hottest astronomical debate since Galileo.
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Bookworms: Lost Subs (2002) by Spencer Dunmore

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Lost Subs

Submarines are usually lost with little to no knowledge of how, or why, or even where they settled forever. Requiring dedicated research, high level mathematical skill, and sometimes dumb luck, the search for sunken history is a spellbinding adventure.
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Bookworms: I Never Had It Made (1972) by Jackie Robinson

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I Never Had it Made

“I Never Had it Made” is the personal story of an ordinary man who became a legend simply because he refused to be intimidated or defeated. Baseball is America’s game, and Jackie Robinson used that game to change the face of America forever. Experience the story in theaters as 42: The Jackie Robinson Story.
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Bookworms: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) Philip K. Dick

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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Technology and humanity, the unavoidable question is asked: we advance, but do we better ourselves? All science fiction inevitably wrestles with that haunting question. Philip K Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” dissects the fundamental questions of humanity, and what makes us special. Ultimately, Android or Adam, how you live is more important than what you are.
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Bookworms: Eating Aliens (2012) by Jackson Landers

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Eating Aliens

They invade from the out lands, they infest, they destroy. Hordes of them have come for our resources and our environment. They must be stopped. They must be killed. They must be…eaten? Jackson Landers, a mostly normal guy from Virginia, has a unique solution to the alien problem which affects us all.
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Bookworms: Fahrenheit 451 (1953) Ray Bradbury

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Fahrenheit 451

“You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them.” – Ray Bradbury, 1920-2012. On June 5, 2012, Ray Bradbury left our planet a more desolate place. Bradbury is one of the greatest science fiction authors who ever lived. Few have matched his brilliance, his insight, and his devotion to the craft.
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Bookworms: The Zombie Survival Guide (2003) by Max Brooks

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Zombie Survival Guide

Max Brooks, author of the hugely successful World War Z, wrote the complete guide to staying alive during an outbreak of zombies: The Zombie Survival Guide. From attack to zombie, Brooks covers every conceivable angle in his quest to help his reader avoid death and reanimation.
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Bookworms: Star Trek (2009) by Alan Dean Foster

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Created by the visionary storyteller Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek is a franchise that has endured for nearly fifty years. Alan Dean Foster holds the “story by” credit for the first ever Star Trek movie, The Motion Picture. It is therefore fitting that a man who was there at the beginning of Star Trek was present again for its new launch to write the novelization of the 2009 film, Star Trek.
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Bookworms: One Second After (2009) by William R. Forstchen

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Warning: This is the book you do not want to read if you fear a truly realistic apocalypse. One Second After by William R. Forstchen foretells an all too close to home look at the end of the world as we know it that will leave you questioning the details of your everyday life.
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Bookworms: The Zombie Combat Manual (2010) by Roger Ma

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Zombie Combat Manual

Let’s be clear, while most of us live safe in our protected borders, this is no guarantee that you will never have to fight for your survival against a decaying corpse. Solid knowledge of what to expect and basic preparation could save your life, so I recommend the practical and easy-to-follow Zombie Combat Manual: A Guide to Fighting the Living Dead.
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Bookworms: Darth Vader and Son (2012) by Jeffery Brown

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Darth Vader and Son

What if Luke Skywalker had enjoyed time as a child with his dad, Darth Vader, in typical father-son interactions? What exactly would that look like? Jeffrey Brown, himself a father and a damn good artist, decided to exercise his imagination and let us have a look.
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Bookworms: Wookiee the Chew (2012) by James Hance

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Wookiee the Chew

I love taking something familiar and presenting it in a new way for a new audience and ending up with something totally awesome. That is what you get when James Hance combines Winnie the Pooh and Star Wars into a delightful children’s story called Wookie the Chew: The House At Chew Corner.
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