
Antje Traue

Dark (S3)
4 years ago

Dark (S3)

By  •  TV

It’s been a long wait since the end of Season 2 of Dark, but it was well worth it. This new season also lives up to its name, bringing us a dark, complex, emotional story. It also definitely places this on the map as one of greatest creative successes on Netflix in recent years, and in my mind surpasses Stranger Things in many ways. Note: this review contains SPOILERS.
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Review: Dark (S2)
5 years ago

Review: Dark (S2)

By  •  TV

The rise of Netflix has meant that many less well known, or niche TV shows and films are getting a wider audience. Sometimes this isn’t always a good thing, as there is undoubtedly some weaker fare on the platform. When it strikes gold though, it does so spectacularly. One of the big genre shows on there that’s got a large proportion of viewer’s interest is Stranger Things, but there is another quirky Sci-fi mystery which should be as equally lauded.
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Movie Review: Man of Steel (2013)
11 years ago

Movie Review: Man of Steel (2013)

By  •  Movies

Man of Steel tries to tell an interesting origin story, but gives us a mess instead. The film is inconsistent with its rules, spends too much time explaining everything, and takes too long to tell an origin story.
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