Welcome, NerdSpanners! It’s time for another edition of Profound Tweets, the column which takes a hard nosed journalistic approach (not at all) and a keen eye for analytic investigation (who are we kidding?!) and apply it to our favorite comics personalities on twitter (bit more accurate).

The big stories this week are the splash Marvel made at this year’s South by Southwest Festival in Austin, TX and DC’s announcing a new arc, “Batman: The Year Zero” which will update Bats’ New 52 backstory a bit. How did the giant penny get into the Batcave?  Was the robot dinosaur on special at FAO Schwarz? The Riddler, perhaps? Marvel took the stage at SXSW and announced a new focus on digital content, including new online programming and its mysterious “Project Gamma”, which looks to add audio to your comics. What really got the internet’s motor running though was the reveal of “Marvel One”, a collection of number one issues and one shots including just about all the Marvel Now! titles available for free via Comixology or Marvel‘s own comixology powered shop. With 700 individual issues being offered until late Tuesday night fans have flocked to the sites, which has made servers beg for mercy since Sunday afternoon.

All very interesting to be sure but let’s get to reading those tweets, shall we?



He’s still a novice at calling soccer matches but he’s doing okay. You can tell he’s waiting for those moments of 1005 pure uncut Gus, though. Rooooooooooney!



This weekend meant Daylight Saving Time in the US and lots of people adjusting to new schedules. This year, I’m one of them. In fact, as of press time I’m nodding off so I’ve resorted to a Mountain Dew Kickstart can. Beloved readers, have any of you tried these yet? Will you come forward and tell us your story in the comments section? I’ll give my review in a few paragraphs.



This tweet is sweet. The mental image of flinging oneself against the nightstand to burp themselves is making me rub my sternum with phantom sympathy pain. What if you missed and caught a corner? Yikes. What if your bedroom set is from IKEA? Never mind, this tweet is stressing me out. I need a palate cleanser.



Ah, there we  go. Yes, we all enjoy a bit of juicy gossip from time to time but seeing happy creators is only a good thing.



As mentioned above, Marvel has stepped up their online programming including the new “Earth’s Mightiest Show” hosted by G4 alum Blair Butler. Doctor Doom? Taxes? I would assume Doom would just rewrite Latveria’s tax code to suit his whims.



Indeed. But with the server troubles it’s not like you could really log in any way. Now before you think I’m just hating on this and piling on, I’ll go on record saying that this is a fantastic promotion and I hope it attracts new readers. I understand the Comixology crew is burning the midnight oil to get everything online again so maybe a little restraint is warranted, yes? But how about “Project Gamma”?  So far, so good?



They’re totally saving ‘Computer Blue’ for Age of Ultron.

Author’s opinion: The Revolution was the best band Prince ever had and they should not have split. Discuss.



Hmm, perhaps. Maybe if Layman were drinking with Kim Jong Un, he’d settle down a bit. One could only hope.


As always, my thanks to you for reading, you’re the best. Yes, you. Are you following me on twitter? Look for me at www.twitter.com/rcschmidt1, okay? Questions, comments, concerns? Someone I need to be following on the twitters? Tell me via our handy-dandy comment section! Okay, go read more NerdSpan and we’ll see you soon. Bye!