This week Oni Press releases the second chapter of Monica Gallagher’s graphic novel, Part-Time Princesses, on Tuesday via comiXology, and then the seventh issue of Joshua Hale Fialkov’s afterlife fantasy, The Life After, on Wednesday.

The Life After #7
Writer: Joshua Hale Fialkov
Artist: Gabo

Nettie’s reunion with her baby daughter isn’t all she’d hoped–Essie’s grown six years in a few moments apart, and now she doesn’t even remember her mother. Not to mention that she’s the leader of a rebel kid army and hangs out with a giant bunny god all day. Meanwhile, Jude and Hemingway are separated from the group and end up sunning somewhere a little too warm, and the Foreman deals with the repercussions of losing Jude in some not-so-pleasant ways.

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Part-Time Princesses #2
Writer / Artist: Monica Gallagher


Beautiful, popular, and adored by all, Courtney, Amber, Tiffany, and Michelle can’t wait to graduate and take their place among the world’s elite. But when all their future plans are ruined, the girls have only one back-up plan–working as costumed princesses at the local amusement park. Unfortunately, increased gang activity has driven away all but the most loyal of customers. With the park on the verge of closing, the girls resolve to fight back, bring back their adoring customers, save the amusement park they never wanted to work at, and maybe learn something about themselves along the way.

Complete OGN (Contains #1-6) available in-stores: 3/25/15