Noobz Poster

For about a year or so, competitive video game players have been awaiting (or dreading) the release of Noobz, a film that comically depicts the gaming tournament scene. While critics from the pro gaming side will have strong opinions against the movie, this movie is not entirely without merit. It has its rough spots, but not enough for it to be the worst gaming movie ever.

Noobz keeps track of a gaming clan simply known as “Reign”, who drive out to Los Angeles to compete in a Gears of War 3 tournament, where the winning team earns $400,000. The team consists of Andy (Jason Mewes), the carefree leader who manages a game store by day, Cody (Blake Freeman, who also directs this film), a failed real estate agent who loses his wife during a clan match, Oliver (Matt Shively), a shoe salesman with a questionable sexual orientation, and Clarence “Hollywood” Theodore (Moises Arias), an asthmatic teen who has no business leaving the house let alone riding in a car to a tournament. These four players mean serious business behind the controller but find themselves getting into mischief outside the tournament.

Team Reign

The movie starts out on the wrong foot comedic-wise. There weren’t too many funny jokes until later in the film, but there were a few hilarious parts. Even if the movie is supposed to be a comedy, the lack of a developed story kind of ruins the ending. If this were a game, it could have earned some badly needed points.

My main concern with this movie was how overnight video game personality Zelda Williams would have been used in Noobz, but she fits in surprisingly well. However, the writers broke one of the rules (well, I think it should be a rule), that they added not one but two foul-mouthed children in the film. The supporting characters such as the legendary 80’s gamer, Hollywood’s over-the-top mom, and the young yet phenomenally skilled leader of the “Black Assassinz” were nice additions to the story.

DVD Extras:

There aren’t many Extras on the DVD. There is a commentary track and 4 very short videos. (You’re not missing much.)

In the end, Noobz is a nice attempt at portraying professional gaming in a movie, although it’s not an epic one. Those who grew up watching The Wizard may get a few laughs out of this. (Please don’t take it seriously.)