IDW Publishing has released previews of March 14th, 2018 arrivals, including Back to the Future: Tales from the Time Train #3, DuckTales #7, Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #1, Rick Veitch’s The One #2, Samurai Jack: Quantum Jack #5, Star Trek: Discovery #3, Transformers: Lost Light #16, and more.

Back to the Future: Tales from the Time Train #3—Cover A: Megan Levens

DuckTales #7—Cover A: Marco Ghiglione

Ghostbusters: Crossing Over #1— Cover A: Joe Quinones

Mickey Mouse: Timeless Tales, Vol. 3

Rick Veitch’s The One #2

Samurai Jack: Quantum Jack #5 —Cover A: Michael Avon Oeming


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection, Vol. 6

Transformers: Lost Light #16—Cover A: Jack Lawrence


Transformers: Redemption of the Dinobots