Loot Crate’s February installment, Protect, included threads with a Wakandan icon, armor to guard your furniture from liquid monsters, a little love for a Night Fury, and one of the quintessential ships in a bottle, minus the bottle literally, but not figuratively. Included merchandise was from Black Panther, Fallout, Pacific Rim, The Expanse, and How To Train Your Dragon.

Protect’s Loot Crate interior takes the theme literally, and resembles a safe, presumably for protecting your Loot Crate goodies.

A nice thing about Loot Crate is that occasionally you get goodies devoted to entertainment franchises with next to no merchandising presence. To stick to fan jargon appropriate to this next item, opening a Loot Crate and finding a The Expanse Rocinante ship replica would be like the serendipity of getting pushed naked out a starship airlock and accidentally slipping into a random, drifting spacesuit. Not only was it completely unlooked-for, it was a satisfying surprise. This little replica figurine is a detailed, recognizable Rocinante that a The Expanse fan should adore. Also, I like that this replica reminds me of a ship in a bottle, for though there is no bottle, we have a replica of a starship that hosts mostly “bottle stories.”

Pacific Rim is another great science fiction series that will never be a merchandizing juggernaut able to duke it out with the likes of a Star Wars or Harry Potter, but still has its fans that will be happy for a little bit of themed home decor. It’s always cool to have nerdy coasters, and these are great, lightweight, cork-bottomed coasters.

Protect’s shirt was a Black Panther tee with a nuanced black composition designed by Chris Visions. It’s an attractive shirt that depicts T’Challa in an action pose. I usually wear Superman t-shirts to franchise movie premieres, no matter what the franchise, but I will definitely enjoy wearing this Black Panther t-shirt out and about.

Protect’s Loot Pin was Toothless the Night Fury from How to Train Your Dragon, and was paired with virtual goodies as well: Black Panther comics from ComiXology and a code to get Black Panther in Marvel Puzzle Quest.

In a small cardboard box, we find an exclusive Fallout 4 art print both on really interesting paper stock and in an attractive style. While the paper is fragile, anything worth hanging is worth framing, so a trip to Michael’s will solve that problem.

Overall, Protect was another good collection from Loot Crate, with more coasters for game night, a night fury to wear our love for dragons, a cool Black Panther shirt, and a rare piece of The Expanse merch.

Protect is no longer available, but until March 19th, you can order Playback, with goodies from Back to the Future, Sonic the Hedgehog, Dungeons & Dragons, and The Simpsons.

Loot Crate sent the review copy.