Loot Crate’s Role Models took an ironic tone, with all of the selected exemplars being iconic bad examples from pop culture, including Deadpool, Archer, Arrested Development, and The Punisher.

My favorite item in Role Models is the Deadpool Pico-Boo! shirt, which depicts the irreverent superhero exhibiting his heretofore seldom seen power of taco explosion. The coloration, the supple cotton, and the comic book graphic were all check, check, check in my book. On a personal note, tacos are a favorite meal in our house, so this shirt is as much a celebration of the taco as of Deadpool or Marvel for us.

My second favorite item in Role Models is the exclusive Arrested Development Banana Stand wallet. After many viewings of this series–and increased pleasure from the many-layered humor with each time watching–it’s nice to have my first Arrested Development collectible. You thought you were going to get out of this review without an “there’s always money in the banana stand” reference, didn’t you? As a wallet, I like how slim it is, and even after putting in some money and cards it still isn’t too obtrusive in my pocket.

Also in Role Models is one of two very cool Archer figurines, one of which depicts the spy as “battle damaged.” As it’s only two pieces, I was able to put Archer on a drunken half-duty in seconds upon opening the Loot Crate.

This month’s Loot Pin was a The Big Lebowski Pin, continuing Loot Crate’s occasional interest in including cult cinema collectibles. It’s a nice pin which achieves a lot of visual impact from the contrast of three shades of brown and the black borders and sunglasses.

In addition to the Deadpool t-shirt mentioned above, two other small Marvel-themed items were included: a Punisher decal and a Deadpool 2 mini-poster. These were very stylish decorations for dressing up your home or work space with some Marvelmania.

Overall, Role Models was a good crate with both strong visuals, a strong but ironic theme to tie them all together, and two items that particularly excited me as a fan, the Deadpool shirt, but the Arrested Development wallet.

While Role Models is no longer available, until July 19th, you can order Team-Up, which includes goodies from Ant-Man and the Wasp, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Adventure Time.

Loot Crate sent the review copy.