While Loot Anime’s July 2018 collection, Squad, was promoted to include two tee-shirts, it arrived with a promissory note for an Attack on Titan tee, a tee dedicated to a squad of smugglers, a hydrating hack for heroes, a variant edition manga, and a new manga-inspired Loot Pin.

While Attack on Titan fans must wait for their tee, this month’s poster and Loot Crate interior both display flesh-hungry Titans.

My favorite item in Squad is the My Hero Academia water bottle. I prefer it to the one I saw at FYE, which only depicted Bakugo, as this is a team shot depicting all of my favorite U.A. heroes–and Bakugo, bringing up the rear with a Voldemort glare and claws. If you had the luck to get not only Squad, but Defend, you’re all set to ‘fine-toon’ your gym days with your anime gym rag and water bottle. Someone in our house will get a lot of use out of this; alas, it is not me, as this was claimed a few seconds after I opened Squad.

Squad’s exclusive Black Lagoon tee depicts Revy and the anime logo in grayscale on a graphite cotton background. I like how the fabric has a sheen, as much like gunmetal gray as graphite.

Squad’s Loot Pin features the cover art to No Game No Life volume one.

The Loot Crate Edition for Bungo Stray Dogs volume 1 includes all of that excellent manga under an exclusive variant cover. While I already have this volume, it’s good to have the special edition. I’m a fan of this series, moreso the manga than the anime, and you can find my revies of Bungo Stray Dogs through this link.

While the Attack on Titan shirt wasn’t shipped on time, the teaser on the poster reverse reveals that it has outstanding graphics that depict Mikasa in silhouette under the hand of a titan. Overall, the shipped contents of Squad were good, with the high point being the sweet My Hero Academia water bottle that I will have to enjoy vicariously.

Squad has returned to the huddle, but until October 27th, you can Transform, the next installment of Loot Anime, which includes goodies from Dragon Ball Z, My Hero Academia, Robotech, and Loot Anime’s Yume.

Loot Crate sent the review copy.