@Superherologist: Life lessons learned from Superman?

Answers on Twitter:
Abel Undercity ‏@AbelUndercity: @Superherologist Being honest with her will work a lot better than putting on a front. At least until they rewrite your continuity.
BrubeckNo2 ‏@BrubeckNo2: @Superherologist Punching things repeatedly can solve the world’s problems!
Chance! ‏@chance_second: @Superherologist hope. Kindness. The fact that we, despite our own pitfalls, are capable of so much better than who we decide to be.
Dan Jordan ‏@DanPool815: @Superherologist The greatest strength is selflessly helping others
Dan Jordan ‏@DanPool815: @Superherologist you are responsible for who you become and your actions define your treatment by others
darren landingham ‏@Darren_in_Vegas: @Superherologist “hey humans, be more like me, semi-omnipotent, & life is pretty sweet”
darren landingham ‏@Darren_in_Vegas: @Superherologist a pair of glasses is a crappy disguise?
darren landingham ‏@Darren_in_Vegas: @Superherologist joking aside, the lessons we can take from supes, the bat, etc are far too many for a tweet
David Scanlan ‏@MerryLandOfAus: @Superherologist As All-Star tells us, we are stronger than we think we are.
ExpandEric O’Sullivan ‏@revsully: @Superherologist I think Grant Morrison has the best overall grasp on the character so I learned Hope & Optimism mixed w/ Reluctant Pacifism
G.B. Lindsey ‏@GBLindsey: @Superherologist That family is what you make it.
Geodude ‏@GeodudeBMGF: @Superherologist Humility.
George Mitchell ‏@RealThndrMonkey: @Superherologist Supes can teach humanity and humility. Pa & Ma Kent’s upbringing probably had a lot to do with that.
Jason Webb ® ‏@jaybwebb: @Superherologist basic right from wrong! And don’t touch green glowing rocks of course #Kryptonite
Kristen McHugh ‏@kristenmchugh22: @Superherologist That compassion is more powerful than fear. That being “Other” doesn’t make one less valuable. That hope counts.
Lewis Brown ‏@Espanolbot: @Superherologist If you have the capacity to make someone’s life better you should do so, and not whine about it like a certain Mr Parker.
Martini Jean ‏@Martini_Jay: @Superherologist that with great power comes great responsibility… No wait…
Mayhem Comics ‏@MayhemComics: @Superherologist his is a story about learning to be human. 🙂
Michael Wawrow ‏@jahhdog: @Superherologist Be the best “alien” you can be!
Prof. Protagonist ‏@Professor_Prole: @Darren_in_Vegas @Superherologist Not a lesson you learned *from* Supes- his glasses fool prize winning investigative journalists daily!
Prof. Protagonist ‏@Professor_Prole: @Superherologist Inversely to X-men, that society can trust and recognise goodness in others/the Other even when its confronting & humbling
Prof. Protagonist ‏@Professor_Prole: @Superherologist We’re of our parents, but not our parents. True justice comes from humility & empathy. We are humanised by our friendships.
Sergio JaVi Rosales ‏@reivaxor: @superherologist pretending to be someone else(Clark Kent) can sometimes keep the ones you love safe??
Simon Peter Curran ‏@thesimonpeter: @Superherologist Acts of heroism don’t have to be saving the world. They can be as simple as talking a girl down from the edge (All Star)
Simon Peter Curran ‏@thesimonpeter: @Superherologist It doesn’t matter if you can rip a car in half or not. You still have to do the right thing.
Thomas Dreyfuss ‏@Flamethrower21: @Superherologist That violence is never a positive thing.
Trevor Barnes ‏@tbsrnes: @Superherologist another take on the Jesus myth. what is perfect the world doesn’t want. their existence cld mean hope or that we’re f••ked
Victor von Villain ‏@GeekCommissar: @Superherologist Kindness and justice aren’t just in the epic moments. They’re in the little things. The way we conduct ourselves every day.
Zombie ‏@biscuitzombie: @Superherologist Glasses are the ultimate disguise.
Zombie ‏@biscuitzombie: @Superherologist Stay away from people who call themselves “Lex.”
Zombie ‏@biscuitzombie: @Superherologist Steer clear of green gems!

Answers on Facebook:
Brett Culp: I’ve heard many insights shared about this during production of our Batman documentary. The difference in the dynamic & influence of these two characters is very intriguing.
Jim Yates: Another version of the motifs found in the gospels and other mythologies. Excellent.
Johnny Freiberg His values. Truth, justice and the american way. Or to phrase that last bit into a better thing to teach people, the American ideal of equality and peace. (It may not exactly be what we act on, but I’d be hard pressed to say those aren’t the ideals we try to put forth). He stands for helping everyone, and it can be learned that one good man can change the world, or at least make it just a little better.
Michael Seidl: He could belittle a brilliant doctor, who fell of the skyscraper he was working on after saving someone else.