Source: Titan Books

Source: Titan Books

We, the lovers of comic books, live in a world where our childhood dreams of seeing our favorite heroes and villains come to life is a reality. Most people think of movies like Iron Man and Man Of Steel, but what about the small screen? Again, we are fortunate. This time, on a weekly basis.

In my opinion, Arrow is one of the best live-action Comic adaptations that has been or is currently on TV. The showrunners have taken a gritty, Nolan-esque take on Green Arrow…and it has been successful. Arrow: Heroes And Villainsby Nick Aires from Titan Books, is an informative companion book to Seasons 1 & 2 of Arrow. This book is full of beautiful, full-color pictures of the cast, character info, and behind-the-scenes thoughts. By now, many of you are watching the currently airing Season 3. If so, then this book is a wonderful trip down memory lane, with awesome pictures. If you haven’t seen the show yet, fair warning. There are spoilers in the book.

Overall, I recommend this book for fans of Green Arrow, who would like to know more about the slightly altered takes on the comic characters, but definitely for fans of the show.

Source: Google Image Search

Source: Google Image Search