Dynamite has announced that they will be publishing Fabrice Sapolsky and Fred Pham Chuong’s Intertwined, the former Kickstarter which Dynamite described as “stylish Kung Fu Noir comics that kick from the hip!”

“Ten years ago, I came up with the concept for Spider-Man Noir. If Spidey Noir was just a reinvention of Peter Parker in the 1930s, with a social background, Intertwined is a more personal story,” says writer Fabrice Sapolsky. “It came to me last year after I spent time in China. It’s Noir. It has super-powered individuals. But it also deals with themes that I wanted to talk about for a long time: what it means to be an alien in America, to be different in a society that officially praises the melting pot but fears and sometimes hates differences. And of course, it had to have Kung Fu. I’m a VHS kid. Spent most of my teenage years at the video club watching Hong Kong movies. Every comic book I read and wrote led me to Intertwined. It’s entertainment with substance.”

“My father taught me Kung Fu and shared his love for Bruce Lee with me,” says artist Fred Pham Chuong. “Working on Intertwined is a chance to pay homage to these two great men who are very important to me.”

Official press release:



July 20, 2016, Mt. Laurel, NJ: Dynamite Entertainment, a company known for publishing such legendary characters like The Shadowand Will Eisner’s The Spirit, announces today that the first-ever Kung Fu Noir comic, Intertwined, has found a home with the leading publisher of Comic Book Noir!

A murder. A mysterious league of protectors operating in the shadows. A legacy to protect. A city to save from filth, corruption and gangs. A girl who has to pose as a man to protect herself and her heritage. A young Kung Fu student unwillingly caught in the middle in a concrete jungle. Welcome to the world of Intertwined. It’s 1971 and for Juan Jin, life is about to become hell! He didn’t ask to be a hero. He didn’t ask to go to Chinatown. He only wanted to follow the way of Wing Chun, the Kung Fu style he masters brilliantly. But destiny had other plans for him!

“Ten years ago, I came up with the concept for Spider-Man Noir. If Spidey Noir was just a reinvention of Peter Parker in the 1930s, with a social background, Intertwined is a more personal story,” says writer Fabrice Sapolsky. “It came to me last year after I spent time in China. It’s Noir. It has super-powered individuals. But it also deals with themes that I wanted to talk about for a long time: what it means to be an alien in America, to be different in a society that officially praises the melting pot but fears and sometimes hates differences. And of course, it had to have Kung Fu. I’m a VHS kid. Spent most of my teenage years at the video club watching Hong Kong movies. Every comic book I read and wrote led me to Intertwined. It’s entertainment with substance.”

“My father taught me Kung Fu and shared his love for Bruce Lee with me,” says artist Fred Pham Chuong. “Working on Intertwined is a chance to pay homage to these two great men who are very important to me.”

“Fabrice had me at ‘Kung Fu Noir’ when he pitched this project,” says Dynamite’s Director of Business Development, Rich Young. “I’m a fan of both, so it was a no-brainer to set this up at Dynamite. Fred and Fabrice are telling a very cool and gritty story story here!”

“It’s no secret that we here at Dynamite love crime noir, especially in comics! From The Shadow to Miss Fury, The Green Hornet to The Spider, we are proud to publish the best the genre has to offer,” says Dynamite president and publisher, Nick Barrucci. “Now, we are pleased to publish the first story of its kind, a gritty collage of crime, corruption, and kung fu!”

Fellow creators praise Intertwined:

“Bruce Lee meets Swamp Thing in Intertwined, a tale of mystery, martial arts, and menace. It’s masterful!” – David Gallaher (The Only Living Boy, High Moon)
Intertwined asks the question: if Peter Parker had been a Chinese immigrant, what kind of hero would he have become? Fabrice’s love of American popular culture is evident, but here he’s re-introducing some diverse elements by referencing Chinese legends and teaming with artist Fred Pham Chuong to lend the book the visual style of martial arts manhua. This comic has the feel of Bruce Lee movies and the 1970s Kung Fu TV show, but with a hard-bitten noir edge. A timely message on cooperation for today’s dis-United States.” – David Hine (Second Sight, Darkness, Spawn)
“With Intertwined, Sapolsky, Pham Chong, and Lopez manage to capture the thrill of a period 70s Kung Fu tale while putting their own unique, modern spin on the tale. Frederic Pham Chong is an artist to watch; don’t miss out on his electrifying debut!” – Mark Sable (Graveyard of Empires)
“An elemental version of Rock, Paper, Scissors… Intertwined spiritually picks up where chopsocky movies of the 1970s and hip-hop of the 1990s left off.” – Dean Haspiel (The Red Hook, Billy Dogma)

Intertwined #1 will be solicited in Diamond Comic Distributors’ August 2016 Previews catalog, the premiere source of merchandise for the comic book specialty market, and slated for release in October. Comic book fans are encouraged to reserve copies of Intertwinedwith their local comic book retailers. Intertwined will also be available for individual customer purchase through digital platforms courtesy of Comixology, Dynamite Digital, iVerse, and Dark Horse Digital..

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